Setting policies and number of copies

Missing fonts, assets, styles and text overflow

You can set policies to handle different types of errors that might occur during production. In instances of missing fonts, missing assets, missing styles or text overflow,  select one of the following options from the corresponding dropdown list to handle the error.

  • Ignore:  Continues to process the touchpoint in spite of the error. The output file includes the erroneous customer information.

  • Skip Record: Process the next record in line. The output file does not include a document instance for this record. This option is available only for missing assets and missing styles.

  • Fail job: Stops processing the current job. No output file is generated.

File size

Circle allows you to produce large files of 2 GB or more. However, because some RIPs might have problems processing files larger than 2 GBs, you have the option to select Fail Job from the dropdown list.  

Transparency (X-DOT)

You can select how to implement X-DOT in your document.

Available options are:

  • Use XDOT: Use X-DOT technology.

  • Ignore XDOT as needed: Do not apply X-DOT in this production run in the following cases:

    • The resulting mega object is reusable where at least one of the atomic objects is fixed.

    • The resulting mega object is unique where at least one of the atomic objects is reusable or is fixed.

    • The resulting mega object is reusable where at least one of the atomic objects is reusable.

  • Ignore X-DOT:

    • Special effects are not visible. All shadows, feathering and opacity effects are removed.

    • For transparent images, their transparent parts appear white (paper color).

  • Fail job: Fails the current production run in each of the cases that affect the Ignore XDOT as needed option.

Setting the number of copies

In the Copies section, you can set the number of document copies to be printed for each recipient record.

  • Number of copies: Type the number of personalized document instances you want to create for each recipient in the text box.

  • Based on the value of:  The specified number of copies is based on the value of a content object. Select a content object from the dropdown list.