Setting Up the General Pickup Address Table

The General Pickup Address table includes information regarding your store(s) location(s). The information you enter here is used for online delivery providers (that is, FedEx and UPS) and for implementing a "Pickup at Store" delivery service for the Manual Delivery provider.

To add general pickup addresses:

1.       In the Presets view, click System Setup.

2.       In the System Setup list, click General Pickup Address.

3.       Click the Add New button.

4.       Fill in the following fields:

      Display Order: N.A.

      Address 1, Address 2: Store address.

      City, State, Zip, Country: Enter (select) your store location. Note that the location is not restricted to the locations supported by the store (see Defining Supported Locations).

      Phone, Fax: Phone number and fax number.

      Person Name: Contact name for customer service.

      Company: Your company name.

5.       Click Save.