Note: This is not available for StoreFlow Cloud customers.
The Proxy Setup configures the Reverse Proxy server, behind which uStore is located.
To set up an automatic service for friendly URL updating on a Proxy server:
1. Click Presets > Proxy Setup.
2. Follow the on-screen download and installation instructions.
3. In the URL text box, enter the URL to the proxy server.
Depending on your setup, the URL can either point to the proxy server or to a load balancer. Use the domain name or IP.
Note that communication between the Proxy Updater and uStore is over HTTP only.
4. In the Shared Key text box, enter the shared key that was automatically generated during the installation of the Proxy Updater service.
Note: Make sure that the Local Server IP and the External Server URL values are configured properly.
For further details, refer to the uStore Installation Guide.
To set up a friendly URL for back office access:
· In the Back Office Access section, fill in a domain name or the IP of the proxy server that is accessible from the web. Use HTTPS for better security. You will have to install an SSL certificate.
Important! If the back office, which is always secured, is set on the same domain/sub-domain used by a non-secured store - that store will not be accessible.