Validation Options

The available validation options vary according to the selected Input Control.

The following validation options are provided:

·     Mandatory (available for all Input Controls except Checkbox): uStore must confirm that a value is provided by the customer.

·     Regular Expression  (available for Text Input, Multiline Text Input and HTML Generic Input Controls): uStore supports industry-standard regular expressions, which can be used to validate the user input in different ways, from simple rules to highly sophisticated validation logic.

You can choose a regular expression template to validate the value provided by the customer. The Select Template list provides common examples of regular expressions (such as a Positive Integer, US Phone Number, etc.). You can adapt this list to your needs by configuring it in the database.
For information on working with regular expressions, see: and

·     Range  (available for Text Input, Multiline Text Input and HTML Generic Input Controls): specify the minimum and maximum values allowed for the value provided by the customer.

·     Width, Height and Ratio  (for graphic files):  If the selected Input Control is either an Image Selector or a Popup Image Selector, specify the allowed width, height and ratio ranges for an uploaded graphic file.

·     Max size of uploaded document (in MB) (available for File Attachment Input Control): specify the maximum size of uploaded documents (in MB) from both local drives or external repositories. First select the checkbox, and then enter the required number.

·     Max no. of uploaded documents (available for File Attachment Input Control): Specify a limit on the number of documents that can be uploaded. If you do not specify a limit, customers will be able to upload an unlimited number of documents. First select the checkbox, and then enter the required number.