uStore comes with a set of preconfigured global configurations which apply to the entire system.
Some of these configurations may be changed. Since any changes that you make apply to the entire system, they must be done with caution.
Global configurations can be viewed in the following location:
· Presets > System Setup > Global Configurations
To edit a global configuration:
1. Click the Edit icon
of the required configuration.
The following is an example of the DefaultDisplayQueueID configuration window.
The window contains the following fields:
– Name: Name of the global configuration. It is recommended not to change this name.
– Description: Description of the global configuration.
– Value: Selected value for this configuration.
– Application Type: Defines whether the global configuration applies to the back office application (AdminApp) or to the Storefront (CustomApp). It is recommended not to change this value.
2. Edit the Value field and click Save.
The following table lists most global configurations in the system.
Name |
Description |
Default Value |
validationKey |
Unique server key for the Storefront. This value is set during installation and should not be changed. |
decryptionKey |
Key used for encryption and decryption of forms, authentication of cookie data and view-state data, and for verification of out-of-process session state identification. This value is set during installation and should not be changed. |
validationKey |
Unique server key for the Back Office. This value is set during installation and should not be changed. |
decryptionKey |
Key used for encryption and decryption of forms, authentication of cookie data and view-state data, and for verification of out-of-process session state identification. This value is set during installation and should not be changed. |
SessionStateMode |
Used by the
installer in order to set the Session State mode. |
InProc |
TaxRoundingMethod |
Determines how tax prices are rounded up. Possible values are Ceiling, Floor and Round. |
Round |
MarketingProductsGroups |
Marketing product group IDs (comma separated) used by the Cost Center plug-in. |
AccessibilityFriendly |
Determines whether the Storefront is in Accessibility Friendly mode. Accessibility Friendly mode affects validation messages, grid paging and date and time pickers, making them look and behave differently. |
False |
DefaultDisplayQueueID |
Determines which queue is displayed by default when a Back Office user enters the Orders tab. The value can be any Queue ID. |
1 |
ProductDownloadExpirationDays |
Expiration period for output download. Enter the number of days after which the product download option in the Storefront expires. Leaving this field empty means there is no expiration period for product download. Entering a zero value will make the product expire immediately. |
MinimumAllowedDPI |
the minimum allowed DPI for images contained in documents uploaded
in the Document Builder. Leaving this field empty or a value of 0 means there is no minimum DPI. |
150 |
DefaultCompositeQuantity |
When placing an order for a Composite Product, the Total Price displayed in the Storefront is based on the default number of copies. The DefaultCompositeQuantity parameter enables changing this default value. Enter
the default value for the quantity of Composite items that can
be ordered. When set to Null, the smallest amount defined by the
price steps of the product will be used. |
FileSubmissionGetViewNumberOfTrials |
Determines the number of times the client (browser) tries to retrieve information from the server in the Document Builder display (Document Submission). |
30 |
StagingEnvironment |
Sign this uStore installation as a staging environment. For further details, refer to the uStore Installation Guide. |
False |
ThumbnailPreviewFullSizeByDefault |
Mark this configuration as true in order to show the thumbnail preview in full size in a popup instead of a fixed size. |
False |
UeditControlWidth |
Determines the width of the uEdit application within uStore (Flash version only). |
920 |
UeditControlHeight |
Determines the height of the uEdit application within uStore (Flash version only). |
540 |
SingleSignOnTimeout |
The period of time, in minutes, after which the given single sign on URL expires. |
60 |
P3PHeader |
P3P is the Platform for Privacy Preferences. The value describes a compact policy with tokens such as CAO PSA OUR. |
TouchPointNameFormat |
Format of
Touch Point names created by uStore for email products (1G only). |
Example: uStore_{1}_{0} |
ShowCurrencyCode |
Determines whether to show the currency abbreviation (for example USD, EUR, CHF) next to the price. |
True |
UproduceOutputFileNameFormat |
Format of
uProduce output file name. |
Example: {0}_O_{1}_{2} |
UproduceOutputFileNameFormatForGroup |
Format of
uProduce output file name for groups of aggregated items. |
Example: {0}_AggregationGroup{1} |
DeploymentMode |
Used by uStore Update Application to determine whether uStore is deployed in a cluster. Possible values are SingleServer or cluster. |
SingleServer |
AssetUploadLimit |
Determines the maximum allowed size (in MB) for images uploaded in the Customization and uEdit pages. |
15 |
ThumbnailCreationTimeout |
Determines the timeout (in seconds) for creating thumbnails in the Document Builder display (Document Submission). |
300 |
HighQualityImages |
Determines whether to use high quality images in the Document Builder display (Document Submission). Setting the value to True may impact performance. |
False |
EnableOptimizations |
Determines whether to enable JavaScript and CSS bundling and minification. |
True |
MaxDrafts |
The maximum number of draft orders that will be displayed in the Last Draft Orders section. |
3 |
ProofSetTimeout |
Determines the timeout (in seconds) for generating a proof set when calculating number of copies per recipient according to a value defined in the process job. |
60 |
AllowBrowserAutoComplete |
In the Storefront, determines whether the browser's auto complete feature is used. It can be set to False in order to enhance security. |
True |
OrderQueue_PageSize |
Determines the number of orders shown on each page of the order queues. Can be set to a maximum of 500 orders per page. |
50 |
UserEmailValidation_RegEx |
Regular expressions used to validate user email addresses. |
^([\w\!\#$&,:;()\%\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]+\.)*[\w\!\#$&,:;()\%\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]+@((((([a-zA-Z0-9]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,62}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1})|[a-zA-Z])\.)+[a-zA-Z]{1,6})|(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}(\:\d{1,5})?)$ |
MerchantIconMaxWidth |
The maximum width allowed for a merchant logo icon. |
450 |
MerchantIconMaxHeight |
The maximum height allowed for a merchant logo icon. |
80 |
UEditReadyFontTimeout |
The timeout (in milliseconds) for loading fonts in uEdit or in the rich text editor. |
10000 |
ProductionDateFormat |
The date format used in recipient lists. |
M/d/yyyy |
FileAttachmentDefaultExtensions |
Default extensions used when creating a new file attachment property. |
RefreshPreviewTimeout |
The timeout (in seconds) for waiting for a proof job to complete on the Customization page. |
25 |
ExcelProvider |
For internal use only. This value is set during installation and should not be changed. |
SmartXls |
PrepressInProgressTimeoutMinutes |
The timeout (in minutes) for keeping an item in the "Prepress In Progress" queue before moving it to the "Failed Jobs" queue. To ignore the timeout and leave the item in the "Prepress In Progress" queue, enter "0". |
60 |
FedEx_Currency_MXN |
Use FedEx_Currency_XXX, where XXX is an ISO 4217 currency code, in order to map it to the currency code expected by FedEx. |
FedEx_Currency_GBP |
Use FedEx_Currency_XXX, where XXX is an ISO 4217 currency code, in order to map it to the currency code expected by FedEx. |
FedEx_Currency_CHF |
Use FedEx_Currency_XXX, where XXX is an ISO 4217 currency code, in order to map it to the currency code expected by FedEx. |
CsvDelimiter |
Defines the delimiter which is used to separate fields in Text CSV files. Note: for the Tab delimiter write "TAB", for other delimiters use the delimiter character. |
, |
CachedXlimFilesKeepHours |
Defines the expiry period, in hours, for keeping cached proof results of XLIM documents in uStore's file system. |
24 |
XMCampaignAnalyticsCacheDuration |
Defines the expiry period, in hours, for keeping cached Cross Media Analytic reports. When a Storefront user requests to view the analytics of a XM campaign in the Order History page, if this period expired, updated reports will be re-generated. |
24 |
XMInstanceIDDraftCashDurationDraft |
The duration, in minutes, during which the instance ID is cached for draft orders. |
20 |
AnonymousUsersKeepDays |
The duration, in days, for keeping anonymous users which were created when anonymous users entered a B2C store. |
30 |
RemoveDeletedUsers |
Determines whether the garbage collector removes data of deleted users from the database and file system. |
False |
AlwaysGenerateProof |
Determines whether a proof is automatically produced for each ordered item. If the value is False and "Let the customer generate a proof" is unchecked, a proof will not be generated |
True |
ResizeImageInSlideShow |
Determines whether to resize the images which are displayed by the slide show control used in the Customization and Product Details pages. |
True |
AdminPasswordPolicy |
The Back Office login password policy, written using regular expression. Important! If you change the policy, you must change the validation message accordingly in Presets > Localization > {language} > Admin Resources > Admin_Password_Policy. |
(?=.{9,})(?=.*?[^\w\s])(?=.*?[0-9])(?=.*?[A-Z]).*?[a-z].* |
If set to True, the "Show GDPR confirmation checkbox in Storefront" option in the Store Setup Advanced tab is selected by default for each new store. When the checkbox is selected, shoppers must verify that the recipient list(s) used in their orders are GDPR compliant, i.e. recipient lists are free from data subjects who asked to be deleted or didn't consent to being included in the specific operation. |
False |
If set to true, "Turn on automatic deletion of personal information" checkbox in the Store Setup Advanced tab is selected by default for each new store. When the checkbox is selected, a daily deletion mechanism of recipient lists, instances and uploaded files (of both Composite products and File Attachment property) is carried out. Recipient lists, outputs, instances etc. that were created over 30 days ago in the Back office or Storefront are automatically deleted. |
False |
Period in days from upload or creation of the recipient list or uploaded files (of both Composite products and File Attachment property) until it is automatically deleted from the Storefront. |
30 days |
Period in days from arrival of the order to the Backoffice until the recipient list/XM Campaign instance/uploaded files (of both Composite products and File Attachment property) is automatically deleted. |
30 days |
Define the number of days before the recipient list/XM Campaign instance/uploaded files (of both Composite products and File Attachment property) expires in the Backoffice to be displayed in the order list. |
7 days |
Define the way tax is applied to the shipping price when shipping products of different tax groups. When selecting "Proportional", calculation of the shipping tax takes into account the different tax rates of products within a shipment. For example, if the shipment contains both exempt and taxable products, the portion of the shipping charge allocated to the taxable products is taxable, while the shipping price portion attributed to the exempt products is exempt. Set to "Max" to select the highest tax rate of all product tax groups and apply it to the total shipping price. |
Proportional |
Define how many thumbnails will be created from the PDF file of a static product. |
2 |
StaticProductPreflight |
When creating a static product with a PDF document, preflight data is recorded for the document. The data includes page information such as size and color space. |
False |
Determines whether the administrator can override the manual shipping price, as calculated in the Storefront. If set to True, when choosing in the Orders page- Ready for Delivery queue - the "Create New Delivery" action, a Shipping Price field is added. |
False |
Define whether to delete the generated proof files. This requires that the "Turn on automatic deletion of personal information" checkbox (Store Setup > Advanced tab) is selected. When set to True, the generated proof files will be deleted as part of the automatic deletion mechanism. |
False |
This key is applicable to static products in NG stores with single-page flow that support automatic recalculation. This key determines if the Pricing Excel file can handle pricing in cases of undefined properties in the Storefront. If set to true, the Excel can recalculate in case of undefined property values. If set to false, the Excel will not recalculate the price in case of undefined property values, and the Storefront user will receive a notification to complete all fields. |
True |
Determines whether to display Circle Analytics or Marketing Console reports in the Order History page for Campaign on Demand products in NG stores. Use Circle to show Circle Analytics. Use MC to show the Marketing Console reports. This configuration does not apply to legacy stores. |
Circle |
Excel pricing results are cached for performance improvement, and are purged after the defined number of minutes. This is especially important for the recalculation of the price in the cart, that can pull the price from the cache instead of recalculating the Excel for every product in the cart. Use a positive number (1 and above) of minutes. The default value -1 indicates a period of one week. This may cause inaccuracy when using the NOW() or Today() functions in the Excel, which rely on recalculation of the Excel more often. You cannot prevent the Excel from being cached, however you can set the purging interval as low as 1 minute using this key. |
-1 |
A default configuration for TaxWebhook. To enable the TaxWebhook, set the "taxWebhookEnabled" key to true and configure a URL. |
{ "taxWebhookEnabled": false, "url": "", "signatureKey": "e6b64dd5-dba2-471f-b386-e4fd65829cf3", "storedProcedureName": "Order_DetailsXmlForTax" } |
If this key is added, uStore will retain proofs no longer than the number of days specified in this key. This key will be functional only if GdprProofDeletion is set to True. When GDPRProofExpirationDays is used, the system uses the keys: GdprRLExpirationDays_Storefront, GdprRLExpirationDays_Backoffice only to specify the days to retain recipient lists and not proofs. |
If this key is added, uStore will retain files in the shared "Output" folder according the key’s value. The system will consider the modification date of the file and not its creation date. |
ManufacturerWebhookConfig |
A default configuration for the Manufacturer webhook. To enable this webhook, configure the required parameters. |
{ |
CartExportWebhookConfig |
Enter any description of the cart export webhook. |
{ |
Supported label types are: PDF, for regular printers, and ZPLII or EPL2 for thermal printers. |
FedexSupportedLabelSize |
The default is PAPER_4X6 If the customer wants to use a thermal printer instead, set it to: STOCK_4X6 |
CalculateCostOnAddToCart |
Calculate costs when adding a product to the cart. |
False |
CalculateCouponDeductionOnRLPrice |
Calculates coupon deduction on recipient list price. |
True |
CalculateTaxBeforeCouponDeduction |
Calculates tax before coupon deduction. |
False |
EnableRecipientListValidation |
Enables validation for recipient lists. |
True |
EnableSearchHistory |
Enables search history. |
True |
FileSubmissionUploadPaperSizeTolerance |
Paper size tolerance for submission file uploads. |
5 |
HandleEXIFOrientation |
Handles file orientation from EXIF metadata. |
True |
PreviewProofThroughPdf |
Use PDF format for the proof. |
False |
FDX_AddressValidation_NON_US_Phone_RegEx |
Fedex - regex for non-US phone |
\d{6,16} |
FDX_AddressValidation_US_Phone_RegEx |
Fedex - regex for US phone |
\d{10} |
FDX_AddressValidation_US_Zip_RegEx |
Fedex - regex for US address validation |
\d{5,5} |
UPS_AddressValidation_NON_US_Phone_RegEx |
UPS - regex for non-US phone |
\d{6,15} |
UPS_AddressValidation_US_Phone_RegEx |
UPS - regex for US phone |
\d{10,15} |
UPS_AddressValidation_US_Zip_RegEx |
UPS - regex for US address validation |
\d{5,5} |
UPS_EarliestTimeReady |
UPS - earliest time for package ready |
0900 |
UPS_LatestTimeReady |
UPS - latest time for package ready |
1700 |
Proof_JPG_Resolution |
Resolution of the JPG proof. |
Null |
RadAsyncUploadChunkSize |
Chunk size for file uploading. |
256000 |
UnusedPromotionCodeKeepMinutes |
Length of time in minutes for storing unused promo code. |
30 |
ProofResultsKeepMinutes |
Number of minutes for storing the proof result. |
60 |
RedundantUploadedRLFilesKeepHours |
Number of hours for keeping redundant recipient lists. |
2 |
DeletedUsersKeepDays |
Number of days for storing deleted users. |
2 |
NonActivatedUsersKeepDays |
Number of days for storing non-activated users. |
2 |
FileAttachmentKeepDays |
Number of days for keeping file attachments. |
1 |
FileSubmissionKeepDays |
Number of days for keeping file submissions |
5 |
UPS_UseNegotiatedRates_Backoffice |
Whether or not to use UPS negotiated rates for the backoffice. |
True |
UPS_UseNegotiatedRates_StoreFront |
Whether or not to use UPS negotiated rates for the storefront. |
False |