Setting Up Document Repositories

Note: This is not available for StoreFlow Cloud customers.

Setting up document repositories enables the uStore administrator to define external file repositories for composite products. The administrator sets up the repository location, which file types can be uploaded and whether the visitor can change the order of the pages or edit Product Properties on specific pages of the uploaded file. The store visitors will be able to upload documents from these repositories when ordering a composite product.

To set up a document repository:

1.       In the Presets view, click the Document Repositories Setup link.
The Document Repositories List page is displayed.

2.       Click New to add a new document repository.

3.       Enter the repository Name and Description.

4.       In the Repository Type field, select Document Repository On Disk. This is a pre-defined out-of-the box repository type provided by uStore.

5.       In the Allowed Extensions section, select the file extensions that are allowed to be uploaded.
uStore supports upload of the following file extensions: PDF, PPT, PPTX, DOC, DOCX.

6.       If you wish to allow store customers to modify the uploaded files, select Allow Page-Level Modifications.
If this option is enabled, customers can change page order and modify Product Properties on specific pages.

7.       In the List File By list, select the mode in which the contents of an external document repository will be retrieved and define the required parameters for the selected mode. There are four available options:

      Folder: allows uploading documents from a folder located on a uStore server. In the Path field, enter the folder path on a uStore server.

      Network Path: allows uploading documents from a folder located in a network that can be accessed by a uStore server. Enter the following parameters:

§       Path: enter the folder path in the network.

§       Username, Password, Domain: if the network path requires authentication, enter the username, password and domain name required to access the network location defined in the Path field.

      Info File: allows uploading documents from a folder whose structure and contents are represented using an XML info file. In the Path field enter the path to the folder in which the XML info file (folderinfo.xml) resides. For more details on folderinfo.xml see Setting Up Info File Parameters.

      HTTP Web Handler: allows uploading documents from a remote server (for example, Dropbox) using the HTTP Web Handler file representing the folder path and contents. In the URL field, enter the URL of a remote folder in which the HTTP Web Handler file resides. For more details, see Setting Up HTTP Web Handler Parameters.

8.       Click Save.

Once you have set up your document repository, you can enable it for use by a specific upload product. For more details, see Setting Up Upload Products.