General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation that intends to strengthen data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU). The GDPR aims primarily to give control back to citizens and residents over their personal data.

·       For details on how XMPie handles GDPR, see GDPR Guidelines for XMPie Products.

·       For general information about GDPR, refer to

GDPR and uProduce

When applying GDPR, uProduce no longer saves personal information of recipients after it is no longer necessary. Personal data, such as recipient lists and outputs, is saved for a fixed period of time for the purpose for which it was collected, and then deleted.

uProduce assists you in being GDPR compliant by providing you the means to automatically delete your recipient lists, jobs, outputs and personal information according to GDPR regulations.

If you wish to be GDPR complaint, proceed as follows:

·       In the Global Data Protection Regulation page, activate the automatic deletion mechanism of data sources and jobs. For details, see GDPR Settings.

·       Ensure that data sources that include personal information are not retained by the system. These data sources should be defined as non-permanent, and as such will be deleted by the automatic deletion mechanism.

When enabling GDPR, newly created local data sources are automatically defined as non-permanent, whereas existing data sources are defined as permanent. You can change the retention state of a data source at any time.

For details, see Adding Campaign Data Sources.