Managing Email Product Orders

The following diagram illustrates the default item queues supported by uStore for Email product orders, and the actions that enable queue transitions.


Note: The state transition from Pending Email to Scheduled Order will occur automatically, if you have selected the Schedule Order Automatically checkbox in the Product Setup page.


uStore Back Office includes the following default item queues:

Delayed Payment

This queue lists the orders that are still pending approval by the clearing service. After the payment is cleared, the order automatically moves to the Pending Emails queue for processing.

Note: This feature is only available for clearing services supporting delayed payments, such as MultiSafepay.

Pending Emails

This queue includes the following types of ordered items:

·     Items that been received from the uStore Storefront application and have not been processed yet via the uStore Back Office application.

·     Items that were moved back to the beginning of the processing cycle from the Failed Emails queue.

Items ordered in the uStore Storefront application are automatically directed to the Pending Email queue when customers submit their orders at the store.

Pending Recipient List - Emails

This queue is relevant for Emails whose recipient list has been ordered using USAData services (see Allowing Customers to Use USAData Services). The order items reside in this queue until their recipient lists are ready and retrieved from USAData.

Scheduled Order

Serves as a queue for items intended for processing. The processing procedure consists of two steps:

·     First, extract the items intended for processing from the Pending Email list, by selecting the Schedule Email action. This action moves the item to the Scheduled Order queue, which effectively serves as a “processing candidate queue”. You can also send selected items back to the Pending queue using the Revert action. This step can be repeated as many times as needed, until you are satisfied with the list of items in the Scheduled Order queue.

·     Next, chooses the items to be processed from the Scheduled Order queue and then chooses the Process action. This action moves the items to the Email Send in Progress queue and sends dynamic email documents for processing by either the uStore server or by the uProduce server.


·     The state transition from Producing file in Progress to Ready for Delivery will occur automatically after ten minutes, if you have not selected Completed in the Actions list.

·     Moving an item to the Scheduled Order queue does not imply that the document is actually being produced. The purpose of this queue is to enable the administrator to “narrow down” the processing candidates by filtering out items not relevant to the current processing task.

Email Send in Progress

This queue includes items that are in the process of being produced and sent to recipients.

Successfully produced items are sent automatically to the Sent Emails queue. Items whose jobs failed or deleted are sent automatically to the Failed Emails queue and a notification email is sent to the Superuser. The email shows the OrderID, OrderProductID, error messages from uProduce and a link to the Order Product Details page (shown in Viewing Ordered Items Information). In the Order Product Details page, the user can move the item to the Pending queue and retry the processing.

Note: The link to the Order Product Details page is displayed only if a friendly URL has been configured for the store in the Store Setup page > General tab > Enable Store Friendly-URL checkbox (see Enabling Store-Friendly URL).


Lists items that were prepared and sent to recipients. To archive an item, select Archive from the Actions menu and then click Go.