Working with Data Sources

A data source contains the Campaign data, common to all documents. The data source Schema must match the Data Schema defined by the Campaign's plan file. Each Campaign may have multiple data sources.

The following types of data sources are supported:

File-Based Data Sources

·       MS Access (*.mdb and *accdb): versions 1997-2003 and 2007-2010.
(Not supported by MAC operating systems.)

·       MS Excel (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsb, *.xlsm): versions 1997-2003 and 2007-2010.
(Not supported by MAC operating systems.)

Note that table names must not have leading or trailing spaces. Column names must not be empty and must not have leading or trailing spaces.

·       Text Files (*.txt, *.csv, transactional csv).

·       Note that column names must not be empty and must not have leading or trailing spaces.

·       XML (*.xml): MS Recordset only.

Server-Based Data Sources

·     mySQL: versions 4.0 and 5.0

·     Oracle 

·     MS SQL Server: versions 2005-2012

·     IBM Informix

·     IBM DB2

·     SyBase

·     Generic String: if your data source type or version are unsupported by XMPie, you can define your own connection string.

XMPie Proprietary Data Sources

·     Counter: a proprietary XMPie data source. This single-column database is used to store sequential numbers with predefined intervals.

Permanent and Non-Permanent Data Sources

You have the ability to determine whether a data source is permanent or non-permanent. This is essential if your system is GDPR compliant. To fulfill GDPR regulations, data sources that are set as non-permanent will be deleted by an automatic deletion mechanism.

You may set specific data sources, such as those that do not contain PII (Personally identifiable information), as permanent. This means that they will never expire.

For more details, see General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

See Also

Adding Campaign Data Sources

Adding Recipient Tables and Mapping them to a Plan’s Recipient List Schema

Adding Recipients to the Local Data Source

Adapting an Existing Data Source for Web

Managing Data Sources

Downloading a Data Source

Deleting a Data Source

Exporting Local Data Sources