Setting Up your Products

After saving the primary product setup, the main Product Setup page is displayed:

This page contains links to any of the following setup options, depending on the product type:

Composite Components Setup: Add components to a Composite Product.

Component Setup:

·     Define the components included in the Kit product.

·     If the XM Campaign product includes print touchpoints, define setup options, such as delivery and pricing.

Product Properties Setup: Define product properties that may affect product pricing, the delivery price calculation, and more. Setting up properties for a single product is similar to setting up properties for a Product Profile.

Customization Wizard Setup: An optional procedure that enables you to set up a customization wizard. This wizard guides customers through the customization of selected dynamic objects (Dials) included in this document.

uEdit Setup: Enable or disable uEdit at the store as well as set up uEdit’s default settings for XLIM* documents. uEdit enables administrators and end-users to edit their document and its objects (text boxes and graphic boxes). Administrators can also change the document’s layout.

* XLIM (pronounced “slim”) is an acronym that stands for XMPie "Less is More". This proprietary solution significantly increases the speed of generating print output streams for graphically simple (print) designs. Such designs are exported by uCreate as “.xlim” files and can be uploaded to a uProduce Campaign. uProduce includes the algorithms that process XLIM dynamic documents for generating print streams in an extremely speedy and efficient way.

Recipients Setup: Enable or disable the recipient list models.

Product Pricing Setup: Set up product price and cost as well as price and cost steps. Setting up pricing for a single product is similar to setting up pricing for a Product Profile.

Delivery Setup: If the product setup supports shipping pricing and if the delivery was enabled in the store setup, you are required to define the shipping pricing ranges. Each range consists of a minimum and maximum number of copies a customer may ship per-order, and the price for each shipping option.
Delivery is not available for Email and XM Campaign products.

Inventory Setup: Enable inventory management of the static product. Keep track of the product’s inventory levels, set safety inventory levels and define inventory display policies in the storefront. In addition, you can set a trigger for notifications when the inventory level reaches a limit.
Inventory is not available for XM Campaign products.

Prepress Setup: Set up printing workflows for a seamless integration with JDF-enabled printers. Setting up prepress workflows for a single product is similar to setting up prepress workflows for a Product Profile.
Prepress is not available for XM Campaign products.

Note: This is not available for StoreFlow Cloud customers.

Note: If the product is linked to a profile, the following parameters are defined by the product profile: product properties, product pricing and prepress workflows.